New Wave Ninja Wikia

Here lies the mission board where Shinobi can take missions based off their rank. Genin may only do D-C rank missions, unless taken on a higher ranked mission by a Jounin Sensei. Chunin may do D-B unless taken on a higher ranked mission by a Jounin. Jounin and up can partake in any rank of mission. Prajña Group members may do specialty missions assigned by the Village Head.

D-Rank Missions:[]

Help The Farmer:[]

The local farmers need help finishing their crops before it is too late.

  • Receive mission and head over to local farms outside of village.
  • Arrive at Farm and meet the farmers and listen to what they need help with.
  • Help them finish planting the crops, before being interrupted by a wild boar stealing the crops from the ground.
  • Chase or kill the boar away and finish planting.
  • Receive reward and head back to village.

Village Clean Up:[]

Assist in keeping the village clean.

  • Receive mission and get trash-bags and other tools to help pick up trash.
  • Start cleaning up and stumble upon some graffiti on the side of a building.
  • Decide how you will clean up the graffiti and clean it off.
  • Finish cleaning up the rest of the trash.
  • Throw away the garbage and turn in mission.

Lawn Maintenance:[]

Help a homeowner tidy up his yard.

  • Receive mission and head to estate to meet the owner and get started.
  • Start the yard work and accidentally mess something up.
  • Keep the homeowner from finding out while you fix the issue.
  • Finish your work on the yard.
  • Put his tools away and turn in the mission.

Help the Builders:[]

Assist a builder in repairing a structure.

  • Receive mission and head to the builders sight (Could be a building, a bridge, a dock, etc.).
  • Help him repair the structure until the builder looses an important tool.
  • Substitute in one of your skills to help him complete the structure.
  • Do the finishing touches on the repair.
  • Clean up the work site and turn in mission.

Catch a Runaway Pet:[]

Find and retrieve someone's lost pet.

  • Receive mission and head to the owners home to get a lead on where to start looking.
  • Use the discovered information to track the lost pet.
  • Be outsmarted and work together to finally catch it.
  • Return the pet to its owner.
  • Say goodbye and turn in mission.

Volunteer at the Orphanage:[]

Participate in fun activities with the kids.

  • Receive mission and head to the orphanage.
  • Meet the children and begin an activity together.
  • Accidentally do something that could get one of the kids in trouble.
  • Get the other kids to help you fix it before an adult finds out.
  • Say goodbye and turn it the mission.

Volunteer at the Hospital:[]

Organize a messy medical closet.

  • Receive mission and head to the hospital.
  • Meet the worker at the front desk and be lead to a messy medical supply closet.
  • Start organizing the supplies till you are asked to deliver something to one of the patient rooms.
  • Deliver the supplies and comfort the sick person there.
  • Finish up the closet and turn in the mission.

Volunteer at the Academy:[]

Help the teacher by assisting the students during their daily training session.

  • Receive mission and head to the academy.
  • Introduce yourself to the teacher and the students.
  • Follow along in class until it's time to go outside for the training session.
  • Help one of the children improve at something they're having trouble with.
  • Say goodbye and turn in the mission.

Volunteer at the Library:[]

Help organize books and learn something new about something that's important to you.

  • Receive mission and head to the library.
  • Meet the workers and start organizing stray books.
  • Learn something from one of the books you're putting away before someone breaks something/knocks something over.
  • Fix what you broke/knocked over in the library and finish up your work.
  • Say goodbye and turn in mission.

Assist a Senior Day:[]

Help the elderly with something they need to do.

  • Receive mission and head to seniors home.
  • Escort them to a place they need to get to for an errand. (The post office, or maybe the grocery store.)
  • Help them with their chore and tell them a story about yourself.
  • Get advice from them and their years of wisdom, and gain insight on the elderly.
  • Say goodbye and turn in mission.

Job Shadowing:[]

Help out at a business to learn more about it.

  • Receive mission and head to business. (Could be the market, the ramen shop, a blacksmith, etc.)
  • Meet the store owner and start helping out.
  • Deal with a difficult customer without upsetting them.
  • Gain insight into how hard a nine to five job can be.
  • Say goodbye and turn in mission.

Fixing a Block in the Sewers:[]

Find what's keeping the sewers from draining and fix it.

  • Receive mission and head to sewer entrance.
  • Enter the sewers and try to find the blockage.
  • Get attacked by a nest of rats and defeat them.
  • Find the blockage and fix it.
  • Get out of the sewers and turn in the mission.

Clean the Pond:[]

Clean the gunk, garbage, and debris out of the village pond.

  • Receive the mission and head to the village pond.
  • Start cleaning up the garbage around the outside of the pond.
  • Wade in and start pulling out garbage from underneath the surface of the water.
  • Find something cool to take home as you finish up, then accidentally cut yourself on broken glass.
  • Tend to the cut and turn in the mission.

Show a Visitor Around:[]

Introduce a visitor to locations in the village you think they would enjoy.

  • Receive the mission and head to the village entrance.
  • Meet the visitor and learn about who they are and why they're here. (Could be a civilian or a ninja)
  • Introduce them to two popular spots in the village while pointing out any landmarks.
  • Show them one of your personal favorite spots.
  • Say goodbye and turn in the mission.

C-Rank Missions:[]

Gate Duty:[]

Help keep the gate to the village safe from intruders.

  • Receive mission and head out to the village gate, swapping shifts with two chunin who were watching it before you.
  • Wait there and let some local vendors and farmers in.
  • Stop someone who seems suspicious with their cart.
  • Figure out they are bandits trying to break into the village and fight them.
  • After defeating them, arrest them or dispose of them before handing in the mission.

Cart Transport:[]

Help transport a cart of good to a neighboring village.

  • Receive mission and head to the village entrance to meet the cart driver, depart midday.
  • Transport the cart to a neighboring village, arrive at nightfall.
  • Stay at an inn in the village and eat breakfast together in the morning.
  • Depart the foreign village with the cart driver early morning.
  • Arrive back home early evening and turn in mission.

Deliver Important Message:[]

Deliver an important message from the Kage to a neighboring village.

  • Receive mission and head to the village entrance to depart.
  • Begin your journey to a neighboring village and reach your destination to deliver the parcel.
  • Discover that someone lost it and distract who you're delivering too while one of your retraces your steps.
  • Find the parcel just outside or in the neighboring village and deliver it.
  • Head home and turn in mission.

Retrieve Herbs:[]

Retrieve herbs for the village market.

  • Receive mission and a list of needed herbs before heading to the village entrance.
  • Travel to a nearby terrain and begin collecting herbs. (Could be a forest, a swamp, a clearing, etc.)
  • Encounter a large, wild animal that you may either kill, trap, or tame.
  • Finish up gathering herbs and head back home.
  • Arrive home and turn in mission.

Destroy Bandit Camp:[]

A Bandit camp is starting to grow in numbers, you must fix that.

  • Receive mission and head to village entrance to leave.
  • Travel for some hours to the designated area and use use a map to locate the bandit compound.
  • Wait a few hours till nightfall and attack the bandit compound. (Kill them, scare them, of destroy camp to scatter them.)
  • Finish up your work and head back home.
  • Arrive home and turn in mission.

Win the Favor of a Nearby Village:[]

A nearby village is trying to decide who they should open up trade with. Convince them to chose you.

  • Receive mission and head to the village entrance.
  • Travel to a neighboring village and meet the opposing team trying to accomplish the same thing you are.
  • Meet the Village Head with the opposing team and present your case to him/her.
  • Win his/her favor fairly or underhandedly.
  • Head back home and turn in mission.

Team Escort:[]

Escort a person to another village.

  • Receive mission and head to village entrance to meet the person you're escorting.
  • Begin journey to neighboring village before two hooligans attempt to mug your group while your sensei is busy.
  • Defeat the muggers and either forgive your sensei or be a whiny little bitch about it.
  • Arrive at the neighboring village and drop off the person you're escorting.
  • Head back home and turn in mission.

Undercover Agents:[]

Disguise yourself amount your own people to understand their morale.

  • Receive missions and head to a team decided meeting place.
  • Put on disguises and head to the seedier part of town when the sun goes down.
  • Enter an establishment and blend in with the locals, cleverly steering the coversation to what you need to know. (Could be a bar, an underground fighting ring, an activists gathering, etc.)
  • Learn what the locals think of how your village government is handling their issue.
  • Return back and turn in mission.

Retrieve Supplies:[]

The hospital is low on supplies. You must purchase more from a neighboring village.

  • Receive mission and head to the village entrance.
  • Begin journey to a nearby village.
  • Arrive and head to their hospital.
  • Meet a worker and purchase medical supplies.
  • Return back home and turn in mission.

Solve a Criminal Case:[]

Someone has stolen something valuable and you need to find out who.

  • Receive mission and head to meet the victim of the thievery.
  • Learn about what was stolen and the discuss possible suspects.
  • Investigate your leads, and question suspects.
  • Discover the thief and catch him, returning what was stolen to the owner. (The thief can be a suspect or someone else.)
  • Return back and turn in mission.

Learn a Survival Skill:[]

Leave the village to learn an important survival skill from a master.

  • Receive mission and head to the village entrance.
  • Depart village and travel to someone who's mastered their skill. (Could be a fisherman, a hunter, or perhaps a shelter maker.)
  • Meet the master and begin learning his trade. Mess up once or twice to understand it fully.
  • Learn the basics of the trade and say goodbye.
  • Return home and turn in mission.

Make a Quick Buck:[]

Someone in your village has expensive tastes. You need to travel to another village and pick up their item.

  • Receive mission and head to the village entrance.
  • Depart for a certain location that has the desired item. (Could be a village, a hermit in his shack, or a secret location for what seems like an illegal trade.)
  • Arrive and make the purchase for the needed item. (Could be an edible, a drug, a weapon, etc.)
  • Make an enemy or an ally of the contact, and say goodbye.
  • Return home and turn in item and mission.

B-Rank Missions:[]

Serve as Backup:[]

A neighboring village is about to be attacked. Go lend your assistance.

  • Receive mission and leave village, soon arriving at the neighboring village.
  • Begin using your skills to assist the villagers and prepare their defenses.
  • During the assault, discover that a fire has broken out at a point in the village, spreading slowly.
  • After solving the problem of the fire, continue to assist the villagers until the fighting is over.
  • Once the fighting is over, report any findings to the Kage and turn in the mission.

Save Village from Bandits:[]

A small farming village is being ransacked by bandits. Put an end to it.

  • Receive mission and leave village, walking to and soon arriving at the small farming village.
  • Speak with the farmers and investigate the goods for clues on the whereabouts of the bandits.
  • Finding a trail or a clue leading to the bandits, discover they laid a trap to catch anyone following them.
  • Somehow find a way out of the trap and detain the bandits.
  • Have the bandits taken care of and return to the village to turn in your mission.

Acquire a Rare Herb:[]

Someone in the hospital has contracted a rare disease. You must find a rare herb to help with their recovery.

  • Receive mission and head towards an herb shop or a library to find the location of this rare herb.
  • Upon discovering the location, head towards the location and begin searching.
  • While searching you find them, only to discover that a Herbivore has eaten the only one in sight.
  • Continue searching, following the creature if you have to, in order to find another patch of rare herb.
  • Return the Rare herb to the hospital and turn in the mission.

React Quickly to Storm:[]

A flash storm strikes your village. It is your responsibility to ensure that everyone gets to safety.

  • Instead of receiving a mission, it is a shinobi's duty to protect their village.
  • Quickly access the situation, witnessing the disaster before you.
  • As you guide the villagers to the correct facility they need to take cover from, a boy from a 2nd story balcony screams as the support beam fails and begins to fall.
  • Assist the boy and help guide him to the shelter.
  • After the storm is over, access the damage and assure everyone's safety.

Help Guard an Ally:[]

An ally village is hosting an event and needs extra protection for the evening. Lend them your skills.

  • Receive the mission and begin heading towards the ally village, making sure to arrive before the evening.
  • Begin by hoisting patrol and guarding the entrances to the event.
  • Soon enough, a drunken or disgruntled man will approach you, screaming and causing a scene.
  • After quieting the man, the event finishes.
  • After the event is over, report back to the village and turn in the mission.

Protect the Population:[]

A animal population is hunted near threat of endangerment. You need to stop the village responsible.

  • After receiving the mission, make way to the accused village.
  • After arriving, explain to the people of the village the animal in question as an endangered animal.
  • Agreeing to stop, make your way back to the main village, only to be stopped by hunters hunting the endangered animal.
  • Stop them with whatever means possible and do whatever it takes to never let them hunt this animal again.
  • Report back to the main village and turn in the mission.

Deliver Threat:[]

A dictator is keeping their village from being productive and worthwhile. You must intimidate him out of it.

  • Receiving the mission, you make your way to the hindered village.
  • Upon arrival, you proceed to make audience with the dictator, asking them to change his ways.
  • Refusing any proposal, create some ideas that might be useful for the villagers.
  • Return to the dictator and make certain he quits acting a tomfoolery.
  • After handling the situation, report back to your village and turn in the mission.

Play Matchmaker:[]

Two villages are trying to marry off their children in the hopes to end a war that will better the nation. Help with that.

  • You get the mission
  • You find the people.
  • You grab them together.
  • And then they kiss.
  • Report back for cookies.

Subdue Uprising:[]

A neighboring village is being attacked by a rebel army. Help your ally defend their rein.

  • Receive mission and head to village entrance.
  • Journey to neighboring village and arrive just after the attack has started.
  • Fight your way through the forces, assisting in anyway you can, till you arrive at the village head and get orders.
  • Follow his/her orders and go defend a certain place until the fighting stops.
  • Say goodbye and return home to turn in the mission.

A-Rank Missions:[]

Protect Your Resources:[]

A low ranking rouge ninja and a crew of bandits have overrun one of your mines. Defeat them and take back what's yours.

  • Receive mission and head to village entrance.
  • Travel to mines and sneak your way past their defenses to their base to defeat the rouge ninja.
  • Kill or incapacitate him, alerting the bandits. Off the bandits or somehow make them scatter successfully clearing the area.
  • Alert the runaway miners so that they can return to a safe mine.
  • Head home and turn in mission.

Recruit a Spy:[]

Successfully persuade a ninja or civilian of another village to feed you information.

  • Receive mission and head to the village entrance.
  • Travel to a neighboring village and scout the town till you find a bitter looking civilian/ninja.
  • Keep your identity and affiliation hidden while you convince them to meet you at an undisclosed location.
  • Meet them at said location and convince them to inform you about the workings of their village. (Convince them via threat, bribery, blackmail, or simple persuasion.)
  • Return home and turn in intel and mission.

Investigate a Rumor:[]

Word around town is that one of your basic suppliers is buddying up to an enemy village. Go find out the truth.

  • Receive mission and head to village entrance.
  • Depart for the small town of miners/farmers/gatherers. (Use your imagination!)
  • Convince them to keep trading with your village, encounter a high ranking shinobi from an enemy village there trying to do the same thing.
  • Defeat them, successfully demonstrating your village's strength to the enemy village and the supplier.
  • Head home and turn in mission.

Catch a Murderer:[]

Your village has a murderer in it's midst, and it's your job to track him down.

  • Receive mission and head to the crime scene to investigate.
  • Inspect the body and the surrounding area to determine the cause of death. (Be creative!)
  • Question key witnesses. (Anyone who witnessed the murder, found the body, or saw him last)
  • Find out who the murderer is and catch him, bringing him to the Village jail. (Be creative on how you find out.)
  • Return and turn in mission.

Retrieve Intel and Remains:[]

A comrade has fallen in combat, you must retrieve their body and any information they're carrying.

  • Receive mission and head to village entrance.
  • Travel to the general location your comrade is believed to have fallen.
  • Search the area and find your comrades remains- almost be killed by a trap set to keep anyone from collecting any intel on him.
  • Evade the trap and successfully retrieve his remains and hidden information.
  • Return home to turn in mission.

Acquire Leverage:[]

Use espionage to find dirt on a powerful ally/enemy.

  • Receive mission and head to village entrance.
  • Journey to neighboring village and find a tip about where the leader lives or where they'll be going that night.
  • Follow them secretively and spy on them until you discover something about them that's rather immoral.
  • Somehow acquire evidence of it and head back home.
  • Return home and turn in evidence and mission.


Sabotage an important event in a neighboring village to keep your own village as their best interest.

  • Receive mission and head to village entrance.
  • Journey to a foreign village hosting an event to bring peace between themselves and another village.
  • As an invited guest, cleverly terrorize the event in a way that makes your ally suspicious of the village they are forging a relationship with.
  • After you complete your task, let the village head know that your village would never wrong them.
  • Head back home and turn in mission.

S-Rank Missions:[]

Avenge a Comrade:[]

A fellow ninja or civilian was killed in cold blood. You must avenge their death how you see fit.

  • Receive the news and mission from the Kage and report to last known whereabouts.
  • Ask around town to find clues or hints as to the whereabouts of the man or woman you seek.
  • Begin searching and find the culprit. Once found, subdue them.
  • The man or woman will explain their reasoning for killing the fellow ninja or civilian.
  • With the results in hand, resolve the conflict as best of means as needed. Report back to the Kage to finish the mission.

Rescue a Kidnapped Child:[]

A neighboring village has reason to believe that their missing child may be in your area.

  • Receive the mission from the Kage and report to the village to obtain further information.
  • After obtaining the information, return to the village to begin investigation.
  • Find the ninjas who kidnapped the child and attempt to rescue the child.
  • While dealing with the problem, a ninja will run away with the child, forcing you to follow chase and subduing them.
  • Release the child and report back to Kage to turn in the mission.

Tying Up Loose Ends:[]

A greedy civilian has learned vital information. You must find him before he spills the beans.

  • Report to the Kage to receive the top secret mission.
  • Searching around, there are several civilians matching the description.
  • After making a mistake or two, find the real greedy civilian and return to a private area.
  • Remove the information from him, or keep him from revealing the information in whatever way possible.
  • Report to the Kage to turn in the mission.

Tracking a Needed Sage:[]

The Kage needs information to make an important decision. You must track a Sage that can answer your questions.

  • Receive the important mission from the kage and begin making your way towards the last location known.
  • After a long way travel to a village, look around, only to be directed to another village far away.
  • Make your way to the known village far away and search for the Sage there.
  • Find him and ask him the important information.
  • Though far out, make your way back and give the important information to the Kage to turn in the mission.

Intelligence Gathering:[]

Bribe, threaten, or persuade someone of an enemy village to tell you what you need to know.

  • Report to the Kage and receive the mission. Then make your way to the interrogation room where the enemy villager resides.
  • Begin questioning the man or woman.
  • After being initially denied the information, Bribe, Threaten, or Persuade the individual to get them to tell you what they know.
  • Remove the ninja however possible to keep them from reporting back to the enemy village.
  • After receiving what they know, take the top secret information back to the Kage to turn in the mission.

Deep Undercover:[]

Insert yourself temporarily into the underground network of a enemy village to gain information.

  • Receive the mission from the kage and begin making your way to the enemy village.
  • After obtaining a ninja uniform of the enemy village, proceed to blend in with the surroundings.
  • Begin gathering information around from different sources.
  • One ninja finds your questions obnoxious and looks into you, discovering your lack of loyalty to the village.
  • Keeping your true identity safe, run away and report your secret findings to the Kage to turn in the mission.

Prajña Missions:[]

Stealing Secrets:[]

Infiltrate a neighboring/enemy village and steal their secrets.

  • Receive mission and head towards the village immediately.
  • Scout around the village, studying patterns and memorizing the essentials.
  • Infiltrate selected village and begin searching for the secrets, if not found.
  • Before or after obtaining the secrets, an alarm sounds, causing maximum alert to be signaled.
  • Escape with the secrets, returning them immediately to the Kage and turning in the mission.

Destroy a Bridge:[]

Blow up a bridge to keep two villages from a harmful relationship.

  • Receive mission from the Kage and head to one of the villages linked to the targeted bridge.
  • Keeping your identity hidden, locate the bridge and use whatever means to blow up the bridge.
  • After the first attempt, the bridge is noticeably damaged, but still in tact, having the guards guarding the bridge to take note.
  • Figure out a way to finish the bridge while under attack from guards.
  • Return to the Kage with the report and turn in the mission.

Silence a Dictator:[]

Assassinate an evil dictator of a mistreated village.

  • Receive mission and make immediate leave to the village.
  • Locate target and begin plotting course for assassination, keeping your identity hidden.
  • During the event of assassination, succeed, but are witnessed within the crime and reported.
  • Escape the village while under attack by the guards of the village.
  • Return to the village and report to the Kage, turning in the mission

Clear a Path:[]

Clear a path of all its grime and filth.

  • Receive mission from Kage and report to the streets of Baragakure.
  • Begin cleaning the streets and roads of any dirt and debris there might be with a toothbrush.
  • While cleaning, have the bucket of water used for scrubbing to fall over, needing to be refilled.
  • Replace any broken brushes that might have broken during the scrubbing.
  • Report to the Kage and turn in the mission.

Dispose of a Rogue Ninja:[]

Hunt down a rogue ninja from your village or an ally's.

  • Receive mission from the Kage and report to the selected location.
  • Track down the rogue ninja, using tools or knowledge prior for assistance.
  • Discover that the rogue ninja had gathered a few followers to their side.
  • After a difficult fight, subdue the followers and the rogue ninja.
  • After arresting or ending the rogue ninja, report to the Kage to turn in the mission.